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Self-serve Business Intelligence Solution

Self-serve business intelligence (BI) can help your organization analyze, reveal, collaborate and act on all your data from various data sources to make truly informed business decisions. It is an approach to data analytics that enables business users to access and work with corporate data even if they have no statistical analysis or data mining knowledge. Self-serve business intelligence frees your organization’s teams to focus on more strategic tasks.


In contrast, traditional BI solutions involve longer durations and larger teams executing vast amounts of data movement that is then enabled for pre-determined reports and dashboards. If you’re not yet gaining the agility and precision made possible by today’s powerful technology, then you’re probably lagging behind competitors who already have such deployments in place. The vision of ‘Better BI’ can be realized through cognitive analytics that deliver results cheaper and faster.


As data today is consumed by analytical models to produce greater insight, the analytical model itself has become an enterprise information asset. Data scientists, developers and other data workers in the enterprise are demanding immediate access to trusted and high-quality data that helps them do their jobs more effectively and with better outcomes. This demand has given rise to the need for a ‘self-serve’ BI model and for a holistic view into governance foundations such as metadata, consent management, policy management and stewardship.


iShare has partnered with leading BI vendors to enable ‘self-serve’ BI capabilities for businesses and executive stakeholders. Our focus is on promoting and implementing the ‘Better BI’ vision by using modern solutions, such as Qlik and IBM, to empower you to use ‘self-serve’ BI. Our services include:

  • BI software evaluation
  • BI software implementation
  • BI consulting and support services


Contact us for more details.



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